From the life of Woodens
"Outswing, Circle, Underswing, Slide, Circle, Throughswing, Upswing, Circle, Pull-up, Press-up, Leap, LyingPosition, Handstand – these are the basic moves of a Woodens exercise routine. Instruction takes place in the harsh climate conditions of the Woodens exercise facility in the picturesque environment of the Wallachian Mountains."
How it works
When slightly squeezing of the wooden rods, the Woodens on the bar are brought into action. The product is manufactured from dried beech wood glued and joined by nylon. Hand-crafted painting shifts the product into the category of an original toy.
Controlling these toys activates the muscle tones of the fingers and the exercises are then beneficial as a preparation for children prior to beginning writing exercises or other manual activities requiring a light touch of the hands. This toy belongs to the category of psychomotor aids. We recommend them for children from three years of age. Very small children (up to 36 months) are unable to control the toy.